Me with my new processor on and to show you a new trick thatDonna show me.

Dr.Donna Schwaber head Audiologist and me with her Husband Dr.Mitchell K.Schwaber M.D. This is the husband and wife CI team that is so good to me.
Two weeks ago on January 21 I had my activation day. John was with that day and in no time they called us back. She asked me how I was doing and if I was ready for the big day! I told her that I was very excited and that I was keeping my expectation low and she said that's a good idea.
She told me that things would sound robotic again, and to be patient and it might go away in a few day or weeks. John asked her if it's almost like a radio transmitting frequencies and she said no. Nothing like that and she explained to him how it works.
She hooked me up to the computer and told me to take the left Chochlear Implant off and told me to be quiet and still while she tested the electrodes. As she was testing them, I could hear the electrode fire up and she turn the computer to where I could see how it works. Each time the electrode was fire up it was a higher pitch. As I was watching, all 16 electrodes were fired up and I was getting excited as I was hearing all the different pitches as each was turned on. It was totally different from the first time because all I could hear was beep beep.
She told me she would be turning the processor on and after she turned it on, she ask me "Can you hear me or understand what I'm saying? I said yes and I broke down in tears. I was so excited because I could understand her and John without the left chochlear implant on and not looking at her all the time.
She had me put on the left processor and she asked me how things sounded with it. Things sounded normal and she was getting excited because she said that a good thing and that I would do really well on that right ear. She had me on three programs and of them are hires P 120 and one is not.
She asked me to try each one for a couple of days to see how they sound and to let her know and we can go from there. She said that I will see you in one week, but the appointment had been change to February 4 at 10 a.m.
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