Friday, May 8, 2009

Surgery and Recovery

day after surgery
Jennifer and I after sugery

John and I after surgery

February 4,2009 was the day of my surgery.I was to be at the hospital at 5:30 AM and the surgery would start at7:00 AM. My family and I arrived at the hospital at 5:15 AM to get signed in.We waited 30 minutes and the nurse called us back to the room.

As I was getting ready the nurse showed the boys where they could watch TV and then came back to the room to ask me questions and fill out the paper work. After that we waited 30 minutes and they came to take me back to per-surgery waiting area. John and the boys had to say their good-byes and kiss me at this point. As they were rolling me down the hall, John and the boys were crying like it was the last time they would ever see me again.

Surgery lasted 1 1/2 hours and the doctor and the audiologist told John and the boys that I was doing great and that the implant worked perfectly. I woke up in the operating room when they were taking me to recovery.

Jennifer Thorpe and her daughter got there just as they were wheeling me in to recovery. Jennifer and her daughter were there to give me comfort and support.When they brought me back to the room, I saw John, the boys, Jennifer and her daughter standing at the door with the biggest grains on their faces. As they got me in the room, then they let everyone come in. I was not woozy from drugs. I was laughing and talking like I did not have the surgery and was gaining from ear to ear.

The hospital released me that afternoon and we stopped at Walmart to get my medicines. There was a McDonald's inside the Walmart in Springfield so we went into McDonald's to get something to eat while we waited for my prescription order to be filled. I was so hungry I ate 2 chicken wraps and fries before we got my medicines and went home.

Things were going great until the weekend. I had an allergic reaction to one of the medicines that I was taking. I called the doctor's office and told them what was going on and they told me they would call in a new prescription and after a few days things got better.

With the love and support of my husband, the boys, Jennifer and her daughter by my side, and also with the people from Hearing Journey sending their support and cheering me on, I felt so blessed. God has blessed me dearly.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

My New Friend and Mentor

Jennifer and me at Applebee's Jan 4,2009

My doctor told me to go online and meet others with the cochlear implant. I met some wonderful people at an online community name Hearing Journey. I got some wonderful information about the cochlear implant, but I needed to see firsthand someone that has a cochlear implant. Audiologist, Katie Peters, had been emailing me and she set up a meeting with Jennifer Thorpe. She is my mentor.

I first met Jennifer on January4,2009 at a restaurant.When she first came to me, I knew it was her I introduce my husband John and the boys, James and Jeremy. She was so understanding and so patient with me and knew how I felt about everything.We sat down and she told us how she lost her hearing and she asked about mine.While we were wait for our food order, she took off one of her processors and showed us how it worked. The boys had never seen one. She showed us some pictures of people from hearing journey and when she had cochlear implant surgery. She was so happy about how thing were going for me and my family.For two hour she answered questions that John and I had and played with the boys making us all laugh.

I know I was lost between the hearing world and the deaf world. My new journey is now starting and I want people to see that we are so blessed.I thankful for the love, support and understanding of my husband,boys and my new friend and mentor. Life is so rich and blessed and I thank God for giving us the implants so we can hear again.