February 4,2010 I went to get my first bilateral mapping.... Well here is what happen that day! I got there at 10 am CST and John could not go with me and that was OK! I understand with the type of job he has! While I was waiting to be called back, there was a new CI patient I was talking with. He asked me how I was doing with CI and I told him that I was there for a tune up and he and his wife laughed. There was one other person asking about the Chochlear implant and I told him how it works.
The new CI patient was telling me that Donna told him to go to hearingjourney.com to the listening room and that he can work on the clix to improve his hearing. He said that it look like something a kid would use. I told him that your brain is like a newborn baby and it is relearning and you have to work hard at it and if you do not work at it you will not get better. As I was talking, Donna came out and asked if we are having a party and that she would join us and we all laughed and said yes. She asked what we were talking about and I told her that I was telling the new CI patient that he needs to work hard to retraining the brain to hear better; that it is not a quick fix and that it take time and a lot hard work. Donna said you have heard it from someone that knows and that she had been there and that she had her first implant for one year today!!
Donna called me to the back and she ask how things were going for me. I told her that I hear better with Hi Res 120 then the regular program. I just could not understand speech at all without the 120. So she put me on the P Hi Res 120 on all 3 slots. We talked and she was telling me that I was talking to her without looking at her to read lips and the (left)processor was not in at all. It as awesome and we were getting excited that I was doing so well.
She was concerned about changing the radio frequencies and that the (right)might not stay locked. Well we tried it to see what would happen and it stayed on with no problem. She thinks that I was swollen where the magnet was. During this time we had the(left)processor on and each time she turned on the (right)ear the (left) would have a static sound. It finally stayed static long enough so we could try figure out what was going on. When we put on the body processor it stopped. The problem was the processor itself. Donna called AB to tell them that the processor they sent is bad. And what was next. Will there's more. She said that the number on the processor did not match the number on the box at all. Then Donna kept looking at the (left) ear and ask if my ears hurt at all and I told her that the right did I figured it was from the surgery.
She had me go to see Dr.Schwaber (her husband) to see if everything was okay. They looked in my ears and he said that Donna was worried about the left ear and come to find out that the right had a small infection in it but, not to bad of one. His nurse told him that she was trying to get the wax out of my ear and that she seen dry skin flips in my ear. she was trying to get them out and he told her do not do that they will come out on their own. He gave me ear drops to put in my ears and told to put them in twice a day for four days. He said I should come back to get my new processor from Donna on Monday Feb 8Th at 3 p.m. and that we will try to do a mapping. Donna and Dr.Schwaber were shocked on how will I was doing with the right ear alone.
On the way home I was listening to music and I could understand the words to the song and it blew me away. I was shocked I could hear that with the right ear alone and I was not to wear the left processor until Monday. Then I got stuck behind a really bad weark. I could hear all the fire trucks, police cars, ambulance coming behind me.Iam thankful that I cound hear them because it was a two lane road. I had to call John so he would not worry and I could hear him on the phone and it was just the second week since activation. When I got home John called on the home phone and I could hear and understand him.
I am so even though not everything has worked. I can hear with the one ear for now and I'm happy to say that as long as I can hear that I'm truly blessed. So that what happen that day!!!
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