Jan 10, 2010 11 days after surgery

Fouth day after surgery

Three days after surgery

Me with Jeremy hugging me at Pizza Hut after surgery

My Loving husband John With me after surgery

On Wednesday, December 30, 2009, I had my second cochlear implant surgery. We arrived at the hospital at 5:40 AM. The staff gave us a card with the number on it for the privacy of patients so they feel more comfortable when being called to surgery. When the nurse called me back she was talking to soft that John could not hear her calling our number and had to ask her if she was calling our number. she also called a another lady to come back at the same time.
The nurse was new and had put me in the wrong bed and the other lady in the wrong bed. The new nurse came back in and said you need to let me get ready to put a catheter in you and John said what the *******? She said ," Your wife is having a kidney transplant."John said to her , "You have the wrong woman! My wife is having a chochlear implant put in!!!!" Then someone else came in and told us they were sorry and that she was new girl here.
Later they came to get me and I told John and the boys bye and that I love them very much and they look at me like it is the last they would ever see me and I told them I will be back. They wheeled me to pre-op waiting area where they set me up with an IV and preparations for surgery.
We had to wait on Dr.Schwaber to get there and while we were waiting on him the CI team stay with me. I was happy to know that the CI team was with me and there names are Somorrow,Dana,Judy,Kimberley, This was the same CI team I had the first time. Dr.Schwaber was running 15 minutes late. He finally showed up and they marked my head and they gave me something to relax me.
John told me the surgery started at 7:45 a.m. The nurse said they would bring the CI processor from my first CI out to him but the nurse never did bring it to him and he was getting worried that something was wrong. The doctor called him on his cell and told him that everything was fine and all 16 electrodes fired up successfully in the OR and that I was doing great. The head nurse had the CI processor to put back on me so I could hear when I woke up in recovery. I got into recovery at 10 a.m. and back with John and the boys at 11:30 and was released at 12 noon. John had a blanket and the neck pillow in the car.
On the way home we stopped at Walmart to get my medications and the boys said that they were hungry and that they would like to have Pizza Hut. I told John that I was up to having Pizza to so we stopped at the Pizza Hut on the way home and that was just down the road from Walmart. We ate Pizza and talked for a little bit and John had ordered more pizza to take home for the boys to eat. We were home at 5 p.m. I had to sleep with my head elevated for about a week and the pressure bandage was off the next day. I was not allow to drive for two weeks I go back to Dr,Schwaber on January 14th to have a post-op check and to take the staples out. One week later on January 21 will be activation day.
Wow Renee, Pizza Hut the same day as surgery. What a blessed day for you as it went so well. The pictures are great. I look forward to reading about your hook up day. When is it?
ReplyDeleteOh, I see, it is one week after the 14th, so the 21st.
ReplyDeleteSorry Glenice I will change that!!